Work blitz to prepare Hurstbridge line for North East Link
An eight-week construction blitz is set to begin which will see major works completed on the North East Link and the M80 Ring Road Completion, in a major step towards the…
Community feedback guides Inland Rail designs
Inland Rail’s community engagement has found that Euroa locals are supportive of the latest designs for the Euroa railway station precinct and are eager for works to get underway. …
Civil Contractors Federation Victoria teams up with Converge 2025
Australia’s premier event for municipal works, civil and commercial construction, Converge 2025, is excited to announce that the Civil Contractors Federation (CCF) Victoria has joined as an Association Partner. Converge…
Qld bridge replacement improving safety and connection
The Federal Government’s partnership with Toowoomba Regional Council has come to fruition with the new Melrose Road bridge now complete and open to traffic. Officially opened by Federal Assistant…
Community infrastructure funding for NT
The Federal Government is investing more than $24 million in critical infrastructure and community facilities in the Northern Territory to unlock homes, improve liveability and create jobs. The Federal…
Measuring and Monitoring Electrical Systems
In today’s fast-paced world, businesses are increasingly recognising the importance of efficient energy management to drive sustainability and reduce costs. Effective energy management not only benefits the environment but also…
The Advantages of Power Monitoring and Energy Management
In the dynamic world of industry, the smart and sustainable use of energy resources is a top priority for businesses. Integrating power monitoring and energy management systems brings a multitude…
Managing increased energy consumption – Infrastructure Magazine
The demand for efficient energy management solutions is at an all-time high. As our reliance on digital technologies continues to grow, the need for sustainable and cost-effective energy management solutions…
SA trains return to public control
South Australian train operations have returned to government control, with trams expected to follow in mid-2025. The return of train services to public hands realises a major State Government…
Contract awarded for $1b Tonkin Highway upgrade
The contract has been awarded for the $1 billion Tonkin Highway and Thomas Road Upgrade project, which will deliver a 14km extension to the highway. The extension of Tonkin…